Our Story
We are Wendy and Jon, a husband and wife team, having a go at dipping our toes into the world of e-commerce for the first time! We have always had a dream to own and run a little shop. It remained a dream and then 2020 dealt us all a tough hand.
During the first lockdown, Jon was furloughed and then made redundant from his job in London (which entailed chuffing up the train tracks and back, early start and late finish - work/life balance was not good!) We then also had to deal with an unexpected bout of ill-health. During this time we re-evaluated and decided that that nothing ventured was nothing gained. How very intrepid…! Our children don’t recognise us!
We decided to try running an online shop selling quality and unusual toys, baby wear and nursery goods (not the kind of items you would find on the high street). We hope to sell items for you to buy as baby shower gifts, or for a christening gift or just because you love them!
The dream shop would always have been called Jack and Jemima and, as you can see, this is what we have called our online shop. We would like to introduce Jack, who is a slightly awkward and, some might say, clumsy giraffe, but he looks out for his friend Jemima, a very sensible but sometimes a bit worried, elephant. We look forward to finding out more about Jack and Jemima’s adventures over time….
We have four grown up children between us who have all branched out and do their thing in various parts of the south of England. We live in Hampshire with a very discerning rescue cat, Grace (she doesn’t know her name so we tend to call her Cat!) and a new addition to the family, Paddy, the ball of energy puppy!
We hope you enjoy looking at our website, we hope to appeal to mums, dads, aunts, uncles, friends of all ages who want to buy something beautiful for the little ones in their lives.
Thank you for looking at our website.
Wendy and Jon